100% Employee Funded

Protect your family’s future with LegalEASE. LegalEASE offers valuable benefits to shield your family and savings from unexpected personal legal issues.

Become a member for $17.49 per month ($8.07 per pay period)

  • An attorney with expertise specific to your personal legal matter
  • Access to a national network of attorneys with exceptional experience that are matched to meet your needs
  • In- and out-of-network coverage
  • Concierge help navigating common individual or family legal issues

Being a member saves costly legal fees and provides coverage for:

  • Home and residential
  • Auto and traffic
  • Estate planning and wills
  • Financial and consumer
  • Family
  • Other general needs

Get started

Call 800.248.9000 and mention Moosilauke Visions or visit to learn more.

Ready to enroll?

Visit bswift to elect your benefits during the annual open enrollment period or if you experience a qualifying event.